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26 May 2022

  • An IRL admin of ours's token was phished. Discord announcement channel was taken over and promoted a phishing site that triggered an approval TX to the victim's most expensive collection. This approval transaction will then allow the hacker to sweep that collection's NFT.

  • First of all, if you are affected, please use https://revoke.cash to revoke erc721's approval to strange addresses.

  • The social engineering to steal our Discord token is by DM'ing a collab request like this to a legit looking discord. We have seen a lot of those getting spammed, I'm not sure whether

    @arcaneverse is aware of this.

  • The discord looks extremely legit until there is a fake Captcha bot that link to a different site to steal your token. I know it is rookie's mistake. But entering strange discord and taking collab request is literally our job for getting WLs nowadays.

  • For others communities, be VERY aware of this method. The hacker then deleted all channels, announcement spamming a phishing site, and leaving a react role/ giveaway enter that granting Admin role for further backdoor if needed (which we found out)

  • What is done has been done, luckily with the help of our Security Team @web3specialist we managed to minimize the damage. In the NFT world people like @web3specialist are truly heroes.

  • We will try to get more investigations, collect victims' info and estimate damages.

  • In the next 24 hours, we will get our discord up like before with channels setup, strictly more security practices, and educate our staff on those matters. We believe our stories need to be shared so more communities are aware.